Research and legal analysis of crypto-assets and technology
Multidisciplinary Research Group
Presente y futuro de la regulación de los Criptoactivos en la UE [Legalcripto].
Proyecto Prometeo CIPROM/2022/26, grupos de investigación de excelencia, de la Generalitat Valenciana.
Prometheus taught the technique, enabling human beings to keep the flame of knowledge and transfer it over the centuries, making them free. Today, humanity is facing new technological advances that allow the interconnection of the physical and virtual worlds.
In the new Global Digital Market, the legal analysis of Blockchain technology (TDR) and its impact on financial and payment systems is key for Europe not to lose its identity and values, and for its citizens and companies to operate with guarantees.
The main objective of the Prometheus “LegalCripto” research project is to carry out a multidisciplinary analysis of the legal implications of blockchain technology.
The impact and transfer of the objectives pursued in this project are based on the experience, transfer and results accumulated by the consolidable group “Dinero digital y nuevas redes de pagos. aspectos jurídicos [Didinet]” (AICO/2020/194).
International Congress: UNIDROIT Principles on Digital Assets and Private Law: context, content, perspectives
Join us on November 13th and 14th, 2024, at the University of Alicante and on November 15th in Madrid for the IV International Congress on the UNIDROIT Principles on Digital Assets and Private Law.
Join us on November 13th and 14th, 2024, at the University of Alicante and on November 15th in Madrid for the IV International Congress on the UNIDROIT Principles on Digital Assets and Private Law.
The IV Congress will bring together leading international experts in law and the digital economy. Among the speakers are Prof. Hideki Kanda, Chair of the UNIDROIT Working Group, and Prof. Neil Cohen, a key figure in developing the American Law Institute (ALI) standards for the digital economy. Also present will be Profs. Edwin Smith and Steven Weise, leaders of the UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) reform in the United States, along with Prof. Ignacio Tirado, Secretary General of UNIDROIT.
The congress will present reflections on the 19 UNIDROIT Principles on Digital Assets and Private Law, the result of work by 26 scholars from prestigious Spanish universities. These reflections will soon be published in both Spanish and English as a collective work.
In Alicante, Professor Pompeu Casanovas will present the collective work of the LegalCripto research group, titled Governance and Control of Data and Digital Economy in the European Single Market: Legal Framework for New Digital Assets, Identities, and Data Spaces, published by Springer Nature, Switzerland AG, 2024. Casanovas is the co-editor of the Law, Governance and Technology book series by Springer, which includes this work.
Don’t miss your place!
Alicante : 13 and 14 November, 2024.
Madrid: 15 November, 2024.
The Governing Council of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) adopted the UNIDROIT
📢 Don’t miss the 1st Udelar International Seminar on Digital Law! 🌐 📅 Date: Tuesday, September 3rd
III International Congress «Presente y futuro de la regulación de los criptoactivos en la Unión Europea», 13, 14 and 15 of December 2023
International meeting to address crypto-assets from a multidisciplinary perspective
Following the research and analysis of the two international congresses held within the framework of Baes Blockchain Lab in 2020 and 2021, the 3rd International Congress will address the legal, technological and financial challenges of the technology in light of recent regulatory and technological developments in the field of means of payment and assets. Researchers, practitioners, experts, technicians and supervisors from various sectors will discuss these issues in panels and round tables.
Format: free and hybrid.
Venue: Assembly Hall of the Germán Bernácer Building (0036PB029)
Dates: 13, 14, 15 December 2023
II International Congress “Dinero Digital y Gobernanza TIC en la UE: nuevos estándares jurídicos y tecnológicos”, 22 and 23 of July 2022
Venue: Museo Arqueológico de Alicante, MARQ, Plaza Doctor Gómez Ulla
Dates: 22 and 23 July 2021
Following the study of MiCA crypto-assets addressed at the 1st International Conference (, on this occasion the 2nd Conference will be held over two days, the first on 22 July dedicated to asset-backed tokens (Stablecoins) and e-money in their financial aspects, as a service, as well as the governance of their issuers (MiCA Regulation proposal). As on previous occasions, we will discuss the status and prospects for the evolution of the MiCA and DORA Regulation proposals with representatives of the Economic Committee of the European Parliament who are participating in the processing of the MiCA and DORA proposals. Also, academics specialised in Blockchain technology (TDR) from the DIDINET research group will participate, as well as researchers from other research groups who will present their results. It will include presentations and thematic panels on these issues. Finally, the afternoon session will feature the presentation of papers and a panel of applied research, which will present payment and currency solutions designed for Smart City, developed by BAES Blockchain Lab, in the framework of the DIDINET project.
I International Congress “El nuevo marco regulatorio de criptoactivos MiCA, a debate”, 26 y 27 de noviembre de 2021
Dates: 26th and 27th November 2021.
Venue: Alicante Digital District, Building 1, Glass Hall
This conference analysed the proposed new regulatory framework for crypto-assets known as MiCA, published by the European Commission on 24 September 2020. This new regulatory framework aims to ensure that EU consumers have access to innovative but secure crypto-assets without compromising market stability. Issues such as the protection of cryptocurrency users, the need for more innovative investment products, as well as the regulatory and financial risks associated with the wider use of potentially risky assets such as stable coins will be discussed. The results of the research work were published in a collective work to be published shortly by Aranzadi, under the title Guía de caripto-assets MiCA.
Consellería de Hacienda, Economía y Administración Pública
The Consellería de Hacienda, Economía y Administración Pública of the Generalitat Valenciana has chosen BlockchainFUE, for a pioneering project to introduce blockchain technology in Valencian institutions, allowing them to benefit from its features as an immutable, transparent, traceable and decentralised registry.
BlockchainFUE is the first cooperative to offer a public network of Blockchain technology, promoted and designed by BAES, led by Carmen Pastor Sempere, at the University of Valencia. The Dirección General de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (DGTIC) has entrusted the provision of blockchain services to the public company Infraestructures i Serveis de Telecomunicacions i Certificació (ISTEC), a cooperative partner of BlockchainFUE.
This initiative aims to “ensure the transparency and traceability of digital public services, formalities and procedures”, “strengthen the confidence of citizens and companies in our institutions”, offer these services to other companies and institutions in the region and disseminate the use of blockchain throughout the territory, as stated by the councillor, Ruth Merino.
The director general of DGTIC, José Manuel García Duarte, clarified that the administration’s notifications will be accompanied, from February, by a record in the BlockchainFUE blockchain network, allowing users to access a record of the notification and its phases through their citizen folder. ISTEC has also developed a layer of services based on blockchain that puts the functionalities of tokenisation, immutable digital registry and traceability at the service of administrative processes in a broad sense and for the Valencian Administration as a whole.
This project positions the Generalitat Valenciana as a pioneer in the use of blockchain to improve administrative transparency, promote citizen participation and strengthen the position of the Valencian Region as a pioneer in the use of blockchain technology.
“La legitimación en los criptovalores”, Agustín Madrid Parra (Revista de Derecho del Mercado de Valores nº33, 2023)
ISSN: 1888-4113
Start date: 2007
Periodicity: Biannual
Country: Spain
Language: Spanish
Publishers: Wolters Kluwer España(
Classification: Legal Sciences: Civil and Commercial Law
Agustín Madrid Parra, Emeritus Professor of Commercial Law at the Pablo de Olavide University in Seville and contributor to LegalCripto, publishes the study “La legitimación en los criptovalores” in issue 33 of the journal Derecho del Mercado de Valores, published by La Ley (Wolters Kluwer), a prestigious publication of reference in the field of capital market law.
“Open Finance”, Carmen Pastor Sempere (Cuadernos de Derecho y Comercio nº 80, 2023)
Location: Cuadernos de derecho y comercio, ISSN 1575-4812, Nº 80, 2023, págs. 17-60
Language: Spanish
ISSN: 1575-4812
Start date: 1987
Frequency: Biannual
Country: Spain
Language: Spanish
Arbitration: Unknown
Publishers: Fundación Notariado(https://www.fundacionnotariado…)
Classification: Legal Sciences: Civil and Commercial Law
Issue 80 of the journal opens with three doctrinal articles, all of them on current issues. The first of these, written by Carmen Pastor Sempere, deals with “open finance” and analyses the possibility and limitations of the new legal framework for the exchange of financial data.