International meeting that addresses cryptoassets from a multidisciplinary perspective
Following the research and analysis of the two international conferences held within the framework of BAES Blockchain Lab in 2020 and 2021, the III International Congress will address the legal, technological and financial challenges of the technology in light of recent regulatory and technological developments in terms of payment methods and assets. Researchers, professionals, experts, technicians and supervisors from various sectors will debate these issues in panels and round tables.
Format: free and hybrid (the link will be sent, upon registration, the days before the Congress).
1st Day: Wednesday 13th December 2023: La tecnología del futuro y su impacto en los mercados DLT
15:00 Welcome and collection of documentation and accreditation
15:30 Inauguration
- Mr. Rafael Molina Carmona, Vice-Rector for Digital Transformation at the University of Alicante.
- Dra. Carmen Pastor Sempere, Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Alicante and Lead Researcher at LegalCripto.
16:00 Inaugural Conference
Presented by: Dra. Carmen Pastor Sempere, Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Alicante and Lead Researcher at LegalCripto.
La doble implosión de las profesiones jurídicas: la emergencia de los Servicios Jurídicos en la era de la Inteligencia Artificial — Dr. Pompeu Casanovas i Romeu, Research Professor in AI, Law and Ethics at the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA-CSIC), Adjunct Professor at La Trobe University (Australia), and founder of the Institute of Law and Technology at the UAB.
16:30 First Panel: ¿Qué cabe esperar en Metaverse, Artificial Intelligence, Replicated Journal Technology, Large Language Models, Quantum Computing, Post Quantum cryptography, Central Bank Digital Currency, Citizen Digital Identity and Wallets?
Presented and moderated by: Dra. Carmen Pastor Sempere, Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Alicante and Lead Researcher at LegalCripto.
- Tecnologías con futuro y su impacto en el Derecho — Mr. Julián Inza, President of EAD Trust and Director of the Digital Trust Lab of the Legaltech & Newlaw Garrigues-ICADE Observatory.
- Inteligencia Artificial, Descentralización y Web 4.0 — Dr. Víctor Rodríguez Doncel, Associate Professor of Artificial Intelligence at the Polytechnic University of Madrid.
- Panorama legislativo complejo en la UE sobre IA y la regulación sectorial — Dr. Yolanda Bustos Moreno, Professor of Civil Law at the University of Alicante.
17:30 Questions and Break
18:00 Second Panel: Problemáticas en torno a los nuevos mercados soportados por tecnología DLT
Presented and moderated by: Dra. María Jesús Blanco Sánchez, Assistant Professor of Commercial Law at the Pablo de Olavide University of Seville and collaborator at LegalCripto.
- I prestatori di servizi per le cripto-attività tra framework armonizzato e rischio di unlevel playing field —Dr. Maria-Teresa Paracampo, Associate Professor of Financial Market and Digital Innovation Law at the Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro” and collaborator at LegalCripto.
- Problemas de Derecho de la competencia. El nuevo abuso de mercado — Dra. Marina Echebarría Sáenz, Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Valladolid and researcher at LegalCripto.
- Nuevos mercados financieros — Mr. Francisco José del Olmo Fons, Senior Inspector and Deputy Director in charge of Fintech and Cybersecurity at the Spanish Securities Market Commission (CNMV).
- Nuevos mercados no financieros: especial referencia al mercado del arte y los derechos de autor —Dr. Fernando Carbajo Cascón, Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Salamanca.
19:20 Questions and Dinner
2ª Day: Thursday 14th December 2023
Thursday morning: Marco legal presente y futuro de los criptoactivos (MiCA I y MiCA II)
11:00 Framework Conference
Presented by:Dr. Clara Isabel Cañero Lois, postdoctoral researcher at LegalCripto.
Taxonomía de los tokens MiCA: especial referencia a las Stablecoins —Dr José García Alcorta, Head of the General Regulation Division, Regulation Department, Banco de España.
11:30 Third Panel: criptoactivos incluidos en MiCA y servicios relacionados
Presented and moderated by: Dr. Lucía Alvarado Herrera, Professor of Commercial Law at the Pablo de Olavide University of Seville and collaborator at LegalCripto.
- Presente y Futuro de la Tecnología Blockchain: Perspectivas y Desafíos — Dr. Francisco A. Pujol, Professor of Information Technology and Computing at the University of Alicante.
- Tokens, dinero electrónico —Dr. Agustín Madrid Parra, Emeritus Professor of Commercial Law at the Pablo de Olavide University of Seville and collaborator at LegalCripto.
- Utility Tokens —Dr. Alfonso Martínez-Echevarría y García de Dueñas, Professor of Commercial Law at the CEU San Pablo University and researcher at LegalCripto.
- Colocación y venta de tokens —Dr. María Jesús Blanco Sánchez, Assistant Professor of Commercial Law at the Pablo de Olavide University in Seville and collaborator at LegalCripto.
- Instrumentos de divulgación y transparencia en la promoción y comercialización de criptoactivos —Dr. Mayte Otero Cobos, Assistant Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Malaga.
- La figura del titular minorista en el Reglamento MiCA —Dr. Ana Isabel Lois Caballé, Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Valencia and researcher at LegalCripto.
13:30 Questions and Lunch
Thursday aftertoon: MiCA II y el futuro de la regulación de los criptoactivos
16:00 Framework conference
Presented by: Dr. Clara Isabel Cañero Lois, postdoctoral researcher at LegalCripto.
El reto de la regulación de los criptoactivos financieros y de los no fungibles —Dr. Isabel Fernández Torres, Professor of Commercial Law at the Complutense University of Madrid.
16:30 First Round Table: NFTs, Videojuegos y Arte Digital
Presented and moderated by:Dr. Alfonso Martínez-Echevarría y García de Dueñas, Professor of Commercial Law at the CEU San Pablo University and researcher at LegalCripto.
- Dr. Clara Isabel Cañero Lois, Postdoctoral Researcher at LegalCripto.
- Mr. Sergio García Gómez, Branding Bruce Lead at FLOC.
- Dr. Cristina Argelich Comelles, Assistant Professor of Civil Law, accredited as a Contracted Doctor at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
- Mr. Guillermo Medina Ors, Partner of Belagua Abogados.
17:30 Questions and Break
18:00 Second Round Table: DEFIs, DAOs y transacciones P2P
Presented and moderated by:Dr. Francisco Llopis Vañó, Professor of Business Organisation at the University of Alicante and collaborator in LegalCripto
- Mr. Rafael del Castillo Ionov, Associate Professor of Commercial Law at CEU San Pablo University, expert lawyer in blockchain and DeFI and collaborator at LegalCripto.
- Mr. Guillermo Abellán Berenguer, Economist and former banking executive specialising in digital finance, DeFi and Fintech.
- Mr. Plácido Doménech Espí, Software architect specialising in AI and CEO of
- Mr. Enrique Aznar, Lawyer and Associate Professor at IE Law School, Co-founder of RealFund.
19:00 Questions and Dinner
3ª Day: Frida 15 December 2023: Datos, Estándares, Identidad y Medios de pago digitales
9:30 Framework Conference
Presented by:Dr. Clara Isabel Cañero Lois, postdoctoral researcher at LegalCripto.
La regulación de los servicios de pago en el contexto de Una Europa Adaptada a la Era Digital: la necesaria integración del marco normativo aplicable —Dr. Julián Valero Torrijos, Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Murcia and Director of the Integra Foundation Chair on Identity and Digital Rights and researcher at LegalCripto.
10:00 Fourth Panel: Estándares, Identidad Digital y Servicios de Pago
Presented and moderated by:Dr. Mª José Vañó Vañó, Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Valencia and researcher at LegalCripto.
- PSD3 en el contexto de los criptoactivos con función de pago —Dr. Lucía Alvarado Herrera, Professor of Commercial Law at the Pablo de Olavide University of Seville and collaborator at LegalCripto.
- Orden en el caos: Evaluación de conformidad en entornos complejos —Ms. Ainhoa Inza Blasco, CEO of the Trust Conformity Assessment Body (tCAB).
- Marcos de referencia en seguridad como camino a seguir —Mr. Pablo López, Head of the Cybersecurity Regulations and Services Area of the National Cryptological Center (CCN).
- La futura regulación europea sobre identidad digital y su impacto en los medios de pago —Ms. Mª Cristina Timón López, Doctoral researcher at the University of Murcia, digital payments consultant for the Dutch firm Explicit Selection and collaborator at iDerTec and LegalCripto.
11:20 Questions and Break
11:50 Firth Panel: Euro digital, tributación y blanqueo de capitales
Presented and moderated by:Dr. Ana Isabel Lois Caballé, Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Valencia and Researcher at LegalCripto
Proposal for a regulation on the digital euro –Dr. Filippo Zatti, Associate Professor of Economic Law at the University of Florence and collaborator at LegalCripto.
What future for digital euro payment service providers? –Dr. Rosa Giovanna Barresi, Assistant Professor of Economics and Management at the University of Florence and collaborator at LegalCripto
- Prospectiva y comparativa de los proyectos de dinero digital de banca central (CBDC) —Dr. Pablo Sanz Bayón, Professor of Commercial Law at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas (ICAI-ICADE) and collaborator at LegalCripto.
- El ordenamiento tributario ante la criptoeconomía: las pérdidas —Dr. Anna Cediel Serra, Lecturer in Financial and Tax Law at the University of Lleida and collaborator at LegalCripto.
13:10 Closing Conference
Los criptoactivos en el marco de la propuesta “Open Finance” —Dr. Carmen Pastor Sempere, Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Alicante and Head Researcher at LegalCripto.
13:40 Questions and Closing Ceremony
- Mr. Juan Mora Pastor, Vice-Rector for Research at the University of Alicante.
- Dr. Carmen Pastor Sempere, Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Alicante and lead researcher at LegalCripto.
Scientific Committee
President: Mª del Carmen Pastor Sempere (Universidad de Alicante)
David Morán Bovio (Universidad de Cádiz)
Esperanza Gallego Sánchez (Universidad de Alicante)
Alfonso Martínez-Echevarría y García de Dueñas (Universidad CEU San Pablo)
Apol·lònia Martínez Nadal (Universidad de las Islas Baleares)
Pompeu Casanovas i Romeu (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona)
Felipe Palau Ramírez (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia)
Miguel Pendón Meléndez (Universidad de Cádiz)
Fernando Carbajo Cascón (Universidad de Salamanca)
Reyes Palá Laguna (Universidad de Zaragoza)
Jason Harris (Universidad de Sydney)
Julián Valero Torrijos (Universidad de Murcia)
Nuria Fernández Pérez (Universidad de Alicante)
Marina Echevarría Sáenz (Universidad de Valladolid)
Fernando de la Vega García (Universidad de Murcia)
Agustín Madrid Parra (Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla)
Ana Lois Caballé (Universidad de Valencia)
Mª José Vañó Vaño (Universidad de Valencia)
Lucía Alvarado Herrera (Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla)
Francisco Llopis Vañó (Universidad de Alicante)
Francisco A. Pujol (Universidad de Alicante)
Alejandro Vigil Iduate (Universidad de La Habana)
Maria-Teresa Paracampo (Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”)
Filippo Zatti (Università degli Studi di Firenze)
Isabel Fernández Torres (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Pablo Sanz Bayón (Universidad Pontificia Comillas ICAI-ICADE)
Zofia Bednarz (Universidad de Sydney)
Víctor Rodríguez Doncel (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
Rosa Giovanna Barresi (Università degli Studi di Firenze)
María Jesús Blanco Sánchez (Universidad Pablo Olavide de Sevilla)
Clara Isabel Cañero Lois (Universidad de Alicante)
Organisational Committee
President: Carmen Pastor Sempere (Universidad de Alicante)
Secretary: Clara Isabel Cañero Lois (Universidad de Alicante)
Technical Secretary: Amaya Becerro del Río (Universidad de Alicante)
Deputy Technical Secretary: Cristian Javier Vera Arena (Universidad de Alicante)
Deputy Technical Secretary: Juan Francisco González Sánchez (Universidad de Murcia)